Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Last posting for long time - Post 17

Amber visited the surgeon's office yesterday for her post-op checkup and we were told that everything is going as planned. Her wounds are healing as they should and much of the glue is starting to come off. In fact, now that she is allowed showers, the glue should all be off within a week. Her progress is going so well that she does not need to ever see the surgeon or cardiologist again, unless something unforeseen comes up. They also predict that she will lose her asthma diagnosis hear in the near future.

We did receive some other good news as well - her swimming restriction is only for four weeks. So, she will be able to go swimming again Labor Day weekend! She will be excited about that :) She still can't ride a bike, jump on the trampoline, or do anything that might put extra strain on her shoulders or put her at risk of taking a violent fall until mid-September. She can however run around, kick the soccer ball, and do most of her normal activities. She spends much of her time riding around in her Powerwheel Barbie Jeep.

Amber has proven to be a beacon of strength and has amazed Jamie and I with her quick recovery. Starting on day two of being home, you couldn't even tell that anything is or was wrong with her. She hasn't asked for pain medication in over four days, though it was given to her one night when she was babysat but I think that was more of a security thing than anything else.

A special thanks go out to Amber & Chris's grandparents for helping with Christopher during all of this and for all the time that they spent with us and Amber the past two weeks (Dad and Sue, your staying with us during the surgery was much appreciated). Also, thank you to the many visitors that stopped by while Amber was in the hospital - I think this really helped Amber work to get better. Finally, thank you to the Boyer family for the meal that helped make the arrival home easier to manage and to the Lutzs for helping to make Chris feel special by bringing him to the Whitecaps game.

Thank you to everyone for all of your support during the past two weeks. I put a tracker on the blog, as I was curious about how many people would check it, and I am astonished that the page has been visited 1,162 times in the past two weeks. Your support and love for our family is appreciated and will never be forgotten. In fact, I am tearing up right now writing this. 

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